
Showing posts from August, 2020

Connect XBox 360 Wireless Controller to your Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch's default controller is good enough for gaming, but unfortunately after a while  the joycons would drift easily. As an alternative, this article will show how to use XBox 360 wireless controller (or any controller that are detectable by Linux OS) to control a Nintentdo Switch Console Hardware Needed A. First you need a Xbox 360 to PC adapter. B. And a raspberry PI model 3B+. With a SD card containing Raspbian OS. C. A Xbox  360 wireless controller. D. And of course we also need a Nintendo Switch Console. Fortunately I have all these items in my home. If you don't have A and B, you might better off just buy Mayflash Magic NS adapter (

Demistifying Certificate Generation using Ansible in Openshift

Background Ansible is the only available tools to manage deployment Openshift Origin Clusters, now known OKD. Some pitfalls were identified when the author tried to redeploy certificate in an Origin 3.6 cluster. Logging Issues We were trying to do some troubleshooting using the kibana-ops logging console, and were surprised to find it not working. Quick check on the logging project shows that many of the pods have warning status. Checking these pods (mostly elasticsearch instances) we found that the the health check script results in 'Elasticsearch node is not ready to accept HTTP requests yet' with http response code 000. The pods were at 90% storage, which I think caused by the curator unable to connect to the elastic instances (The curator is supposed to clean old index data files so the disk won't fill up).  Further investigation results the curl command (adapted from this syntax from the chapter Aggregating Container Logs - Performing Administrative Elasticsearch Oper

Tips on Recovering from Out of Disk Space (Linux Server)

Background When multiple VM is being used for application infrastructure,  sooner or later a system administrator will face out of disk space condition. This post will show a few selected approach to resolve such condition. First Step : Identify The Disk Configuration Some commands to determine disk mounting configuration : determine disk usage and mount points : df -h detailed mount point and options : mount | column -t physical volumes for LVM : pvs logical volumes for LVM : lvs volume group for LVM : vgs block devices list : lsblk Some VM might use ZFS on Linux, to examine pool configurations use : zfs list zpool list zfs list -t snapshot Second step : Determine which directory are using most space From the df -h command, we found out which partition or mount point is at out of disk space condition or nearing it. Better way to determine which directory are the largest is using ncdu tool, but if you didn't have it installed you could always use du -hs /<path>/*. For example