
Showing posts from October, 2019

Repair Your Windows Store and Metro Apps After Windows Update

Background Sometimes after updating  Windows 10, the Windows Modern UI / Metro Apps no longer works.  You could try starting any of them, such as Calculator, Photo, or Microsoft Store - and after opening a  blank window it will just close. This has happened several times, twice in my wife's laptop, and once in our home Desktop PC. This post will try to give few options to solve this problem. But I still don't know what caused it. Step 1. Assess condition of installed VCLib Packages Open up Powershell by pressing Windows Key and typing Powershell. Click Run as administrator if it is shown (if not, right click on the Powershell icon first). Type : Get-AppxPackage Microsoft*VC* | Select InstallLocation The result will be the location where VCLibs packages were installed. We concern only the VCLibs 140 version without UWPDesktop in the package names.  Try to check the files of the installed VCLibs packages (we need to do this twice, once for the x86 and the seco