
Showing posts from November, 2018

How to Build Your Own Openshift Builder Image (PHP 5.6 with oci, pdo_oci, rfc)

This post is written to show how to build Openshift PHP builder image that are using Oracle database connections, specifically using PDO-OCI extension. OCI8 connection is also being prepared.  Checkout  The git repository I prepared in github have a branch for our specific purpose : 'pdo_oci8' aws@broker ~ $  git clone aws@broker ~ $ cd s2i-php-container/ aws@broker s2i-php-container $ git checkout pdo_oci8 Branch pdo_oci8 set up to track remote branch pdo_oci8 from origin. Switched to a new branch 'pdo_oci8' Checking the 5.6/root directory, there is a file that shows the required Oracle instant client rpm files.  aws@broker  s2i-php-container $  cd 5.6 aws@broker  5.6 $  cd root aws@broker  root $  ls opt    stage1.list.txt aws@broker  root $  cat stage1.list.txt   -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 62587782 Oct 29 11:40 oracle-instantclient12.1-basic-

How To Build your Own Openshift Builder Images (saprfc extension for PHP 5.6)

This post shows the steps required to build your own Openshift Builder images. This might be needed when you need to connect to Oracle database using PDO extension, or there is additional command you want to be available in your application pods. If you simply need additional extension that are readily available, there is an alternative simpler step involving the use of S2I assemble script (see ). But if the extension need nontrivial dependencies, please read the remaining of this blog post. Tools of the trade We are going to need Docker toolset available. For Mac users, you could use  Docker for Mac . For Windows users, there is Docker for Windows . I will show the screenshot from Docker running on CentOS Linux. You also going to need git ( or  Clone the source repository First clone the source code repository: